Go Live Theatre Projects - supported by Raise Your Hands | Supporting Small Charities

Our Charities

Go Live Theatre Projects

(Formerly Mousetrap)

Using the power of the theatre to transform young lives

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Go Live Theatre Projects uses the power of theatre to create inspiring experiences and unlock possibilities for young people who lack access to opportunities and face barriers to fulfilling their potential.

The Cause

Seeing and participating in theatre exposes us to different perspectives and worlds beyond our own, boosts confidence, unlocks creativity and teaches valuable life skills such as communication and teamwork.

Go Live believes all children and young people should have the chance to discover theatre and experience these life-enhancing benefits, regardless of who they are or where they’re from.

But for many young people, physical, social and financial barriers stand in their way.

Go Live is here to change that.

“Go Live has opened up a new world to our students and begun to open their eyes to the possibilities that theatre has to offer… ‘life-changing’ would not be an overstatement”

– Teacher, Walthamstow –

What They Do

Go Live opens the doors to London’s world-class theatre for children and young people who have previously been shut out.

They offer affordable, accessible theatre trips for young people from low-income families, who are disabled and neurodiverse, or face other barriers (e.g. are unaccompanied minors or young carers)

Go Live delivers educational, inspiring theatre-making and performing workshops in schools and community settings across London.

They provide a safe, fun space for young people to discover new talents, express themselves and build creative and social skills.

“You don’t think you’ve helped me but you have. I’ve never felt the way performing makes me feel, it’s like being on another planet.”

How do they help?

Go Live makes it possible for children and their families to enjoy shared experiences, create special memories and learn that London theatre is a place where they can belong.

They support young people to discover possibilities they never knew were available to them, show them what they are capable of, and develop confidence and transferable skills that will set them up for a bright future.

– A story from Go Live –

Simon’s Story

Simon is an autistic teenager and after he attended our Summerstage performing arts summer school his mum wrote to thank us, saying:

Trying to find activities for Simon to do in the summer is a nightmare. He is too ‘high functioning’ to access some special needs schemes, yet has too many special needs for many mainstream groups to be confident to take him. I can’t tell you how reassuring it was for you to be so ‘ok’ about all his issues and quirks, you were so kind and accommodating.

Seeing him happy and motivated to get up in the morning was amazing – he was so eager to go and learn more. And managing the train journey every day was a step towards independence and a boost to his confidence. 

Simon spends a lot of his life in a highly anxious state. The tears, the meltdowns are just a ‘normal’ part of our lives as he struggles to fit into the world which doesn’t understand or accommodate his Autism. When we saw the final Summerstage performance, we were totally blown away. My son was totally transformed: where was my anxious, fearful boy?  He had vanished and in his place, stood a confident, self-assured young man. I was choked up hearing him sing solo on stage and so proud. For once in his life, the child who believes he is ‘rubbish’ felt good about himself and believed in his own ability.

It is not the final performance alone that counts – he learned so much on the journey, how to focus, to cooperate with others, to work as part of a team, to explore feelings and emotions. I hope that some of these skills will transfer gradually into everyday life as he discovers himself further and grows in confidence and self-belief.

Summerstage was such a positive and life affirming experience. It gave him an opportunity to ‘fly’ – that in itself was priceless. We are so thankful for everyone who made it happen for him.

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