MV Credit vs The Secret Santa Challenge | Raise Your Hands | Supporting Small Charities

MV Credit vs The Secret Santa Challenge

The Secret Santa Challenge

Secret Santa can be like marmite.

For some, it’s a fun part of the Christmas party, a way to get the team together.

For others, it’s getting a fridge magnet from a guy in marketing they’ve never met (and climate-guilt when it goes straight in the bin).

A conversation with one of our charities got us thinking. What if we could harness Secret Santa for good?

The RYH Secret Santa Challenge was born.

MV Credit take on the Challenge

In December, the brilliant team from MV Credit rolled up their sleeves.

Instead of swapping presents, they took the time to track down essential wellbeing gifts for young people living with HIV.

They spent an afternoon wrapping 40 gifts over mince pies and festive songs. Then sent off parcels to reach the young people in time for Christmas – especially welcome at a time where disadvantaged families are facing soaring prices and can’t afford to treat themselves.

“Staff at MV Credit really enjoyed buying presents for young people living with HIV. The wrapping coincided with our Christmas staff party, and it really brought home the spirit of Christmas.”

Anne-Marie Kesselman, MV Credit

Life can feel tough and overwhelming when living with HIV.

Receiving an unexpected gift from a stranger, feeling remembered can have a big impact.

“I was at a clinic last week, with a young person who is not managing her medication. She talked about how much it had meant to receive a present from Chiva last Christmas, how surprised and happy she had been to receive the gift in the post. She has been struggling with her mood and mental health and these small acts can really help.”

Amanda Ely, CEO at Chiva

MV Credit vs The Secret Santa Challenge

This news article was posted on 10 March 2023.