Our Education Charities Fighting Unemployment | Supporting Small Charities

Fighting Young Unemployment

Raise Your Hands supports 12 exceptional charities. Specifically, small charities working with children and young people around the UK.

Of those, four work in the fight against unemployment, to engage disadvantaged young people in education and give them a brighter future.

Football Beyond Borders

Using the Power of Football

Football Beyond Borders (FBB) is an education charity which uses football as a catalyst for creating change in attitude, performance and aspirations of disengaged young people in our school system.

FBB’s key objective is to re-engage disadvantaged young people with learning and instil pride, belief and hope for the future.

Sport 4 Life

Youth Employment Charity

Creating a better future for young people through sports-themed personal development programmes.

Sport 4 Life UK helps young people (aged 11 to 29) move into sustained education, training and work through sports-themed personal development.


London-based Prison Rehabilitation Charity

Switchback supports 18-30 year old prison-leavers to make real, lasting change through intensive one-to-one support and real work training.

They stick by their ‘Trainees’ as they move through the prison gate, encouraging and challenging them to take control, enter work and build a more stable life for themselves.


Help With Bullying

Giving young people, parents and professionals the tools and confidence to challenge bullying and abuse in all forms.

Kidscape works directly with children and families experiencing bullying; they are committed to using the power of education to change lives.